Cross-case Analysis Paper Themes
From the basis of the five in-depth school case studies we completed a cross-case analysis paper on each of the following three themes. Use the links at left to read the abstract and download the PDF of these papers.
Accountability Policy
The Effects of Accountability Policy on Ubiquitous Computing Initiatives: A Multiple Case Study
This paper examines the effects of accountability policies on the instructional uses of laptops in a 1:1 environment. It presents evidence from an analysis of case studies conducted at four middle schools in two states.
Classroom Uses
What Added Value Does a 1:1 Student to Laptop Ratio Bring To Technology-Supported Teaching And Learning?
This paper documents typical uses and configurations of 1:1 ratios of students to wireless, Internet-connected laptops in four schools, while focusing on the added value and unique challenges these uses present.
Technology Leadership
Technology Leadership Practices that Facilitate Effective Teacher Learning Environments
This paper describes the artifacts that comprise the day-to-day technology leadership practices of distributed leadership teams in five schools, and how they contribute to effective learning environments for teachers in classrooms with 1:1 student to laptop ratios.
Show Me the Leadership: The Impact of Distributed Technology Leadership Teams’ Membership and Practices at Four Laptop Schools
This paper describes team-based technology leadership in four schools with laptop programs; teams are analyzed for their membership, focus, and practices, and the implications of these configurations for teachers' opinions about the team's membership and functioning.