Technology Leadership Practices that Facilitate Effective Teacher Learning Environments
Sara Dexter
University of Virginia
Technology Leadership Cross-case Analysis Paper Abstract
The five case studies of team-based technology leadership in schools with laptop programs are analyzed for their teams' membership, focus, and practices, and the implications of these configurations for teachers' learning environments about technology-supported instruction. Technology leadership is expressed through artifacts such as a technology vision, providing instructional support personnel, aligning the technology resources to the curriculum, and ensuring opportunities for teachers to learn and to provide their input. These leadership practices are related to how they make teachers' learning environments more community, learner, and knowledge-centered.
Show Me the Leadership: The Impact of Distributed Technology Leadership Teams’ Membership and Practices at Four Laptop Schools
Sara Dexter
University of Virginia
Technology Leadership Cross-case Analysis Paper #2 Abstract
Four case studies of team-based technology leadership in schools with laptop programs are analyzed for their teams' membership, focus, and practices, and the implications of these configurations for teachers' opinions about the team's membership and functioning.