Reports & Videos > Newsome Park Elementary Newsome Park Elementary: Making Learning Meaningful Through Project-Based Learning Using Wireless Laptops in a K-5 Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School
Case Overview Newsome Park, a K-5 school with 770 students, sixty-percent of whom are minority, is a magnet school in math, science, and technology. A large number of laptop computers are linked wirelessly to hubs for shared activities and Internet access. The wireless laptops supports flexible distributions to classssrooms so small groups of students can use networked computers on a fairly regular basis. A central tenant of their reform effort is to utilize student interests and discussion to drive the direction and character of projects, which are usually long-term and interdisciplinary. Teachers then to adapt instruction to project needs. An essential feature of their school wide program was for every teacher to participate in a school-based, intensive, forty five hour, technology-focused professional development experience. A representative leadership team of administrators and teachers guided this and other school improvement features. A wide variety of software packages and learning activities were available for the teachers and students to use. This kind of instructional technology support has made it possible for some teachers to implement some advanced techniques such as concept maps with young children.
Video Case of School A streaming video summarizing the major findings of the case report of this school can be viewed in three different sizes.
© 2003 Sara Dexter and Ron Anderson. All rights reserved. Please contact us if you would like more information about the project. |