Ed Tech Cases Portal
Exemplary Technology-Supported Schooling Cases in the USA
School Reports & Videos: Learn about one of the eleven schools studied through links to its video case, text case report and website. Multicase Reports: Papers on topics such as professional development, leadership, instructional practices, and student outcomes that analyze at the schools studied.
Project Overview Contact Ron Anderson and Sara Dexter, Project Co-Directors

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Mott Hall
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School Reports & Videos >Jennings Junior High
Jennings Junior High School: Implementing Inquiry-based Teaching with Technology

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Case Overview
Jennings Junior High is a school where all the science and social studies teachers are skillfully integrating Internet resources in support of inquiry-based instruction. The Internet is correlated to the curriculum and is used as a resource; students use tool software to make products that organize their work and express what they have learned. All the students at Jennings Junior High participate in the innovation through these two subject areas. Within the next two years the English teachers will receive advanced technology classrooms as well.

Students have positive attitudes about their learning, improved attendance, discipline and group skills, and have increased their state test scores at a rate faster than their peers in the state. Teachers are positive about the significant changes they have made in instruction and assessment.

Many of the students in the schools of this first tier suburb of St. Louis come from low-income families; approximately 85% of the school’s students receive free or reduced-cost lunch. The 500 students in grades seven and eight at Jennings Junior High, the only junior high school in the district, are 95% African American.

This district has made technology a priority, and paid for wiring, advanced technology classrooms, and extensive staff training and support by reallocating funds and applying for e-rate funds. Their goal is to integrate technology to raise student achievement by using technology to support inquiry-based instruction in grades three to six, in social studies, science, and English in grades seven to twelve, and adding mathematics at the high school level.

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Video Case of School
A streaming video summarizing the major findings of the case report of this school can be viewed in three different sizes.

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